Towards verifiable Green Future Transformation

Upcoming CircularTech Forum-Battery Pass Edition
16.09.24 in Cologne

One of the most pressing challenges of our time is to keep global warming below the 2.0 °C mark. This goal can only be achieved if trustworthy and verifiable data about the product origin and it’s lifecycle can be shared along the supply chain to drive circular economy.

Welcome to the CircularTech Forum that brings together leading experts, innovators, and stakeholders of the circular economy and digitalization fields.

Our mission is to bridge the gap between the Circular Economy and Digitalization, exploring the latest advancements and challenges in fostering these topics. With a particular focus on financing circular transitions and leveraging digital solutions such as Digital Product Passport (DPP) within this domain.

The CircularTech

The CircularTech is the international platform and Digital Product Passport Community, that aims to spark the international level dialog  between the main stakeholders in the Circular Economy world with different Digital solutions and Digital Product Passport initiatives in several key product value chains EV Batteries, Textiles, Furniture, Cosmetics, Electronicsand Constructions – to assemble the Digital Product Passport “Puzzle”By hand-picking participants we ensure the high quality of impact for everyone.

The CircularTech Forum serves as a pivotal platform that bridges the gap between Circular Economy and Digitalization, providing a nexus for stakeholders to exchange and foster innovation. From addressing data asymmetry, the lack of standardized frameworks to shaping collaborative business models, the CircularTech cultivates an DPP ecosystem where innovation, collaboration, and sustainability intersect. 

The CircularTech Community organizes and manages several specific clusters focused on the DPP and other circular economy complimentary topics to foster connectivity and alignment within the global DPP ecosystem.

Join the CircularTech global Digital Product Passport Community and stay up to date with the latest DPP news

Thank You for making CircularTech Forum23 happen!

..and we look forward to seeing you soon at the CTF – Battery Pass Edition on September 16th again in Cologne.

Are you interested in being involved in CircularTech Forum as a Start Up or as a supportive partner?

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